7:00 PM        Challengers Group | Wilkes Correctional Facility Contact Roger A (336)262-1015 - N/A

7:15 PM        Day by Day Group |  Mountain View Correctional Contact Bill B. (828)765-6226 -  N/A

6:45 PM        New Beginners of Alcoholics Anonymous | Alexander Correctional Inst.Contact Barry T. at (828)963-9652 - C/D       


9:30 AM (every 2 wks) -  Old Town Group | Wilkes Women's Detention CenterContact Margaret E. at (828) 719-6333 - O/D

6:15 PM - Life on Life's Terms | Avery/Mitchell Correctional Contact Mickie P at - (828)733-1779 - O/D


5:30 PM -  Life on Life's Terms  |  Avery/Mitchell Correctional Contact Greg G 9828) 733-8867 - BB   

Closed Meetings: These meetings are limited to alcoholics. They provide an opportunity for members to share with one another on problems related to drinking patterns and attempts to achieve stable sobriety. They also permit detailed discussion of various elements in the recovery program.

Open Meetings: Meetings of this type are open to alcoholics and their families and to anyone interested in solving a personal drinking problem or helping someone else to solve such a problem.

O = Open Meetings C = Closed Meetings BB = Big Book Study ST = Step Meeting SP = Speaker WW = Womens Meeting Beg=Beginners